Friday, 8 February 2013

Good results

Wheek! Got the results of my blood test this morning: I passed! They didn't find any wrong answers! So my hoomans are just going to keep an eye on me and my weight to see if we will need to do any more for me, like that tooth operation.

Hooman is cautiously optimistic at the moment though because I have gained a little more weight back. We'll just wait and see - meanwhile, is that more parsley for me?

Wheek! Cocoa out!


  1. Good to see you have a blog, Cocoa. We hope you are eating better and doing well. Phantom is really having an "off" week so Mom is hoping he will do a better job of eating tomorrow. Tough to get old.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Thanks for your comment, Woos! I'm sorry mine is so late - it was my hooman's turn to have a bad week. She has a lot of those, even though she isn't old at all.
      We has been thinking of Phantom though and hoping he's feeling better and more like eating this week.


Thoughts? I'd love to hear them!