Thursday, 18 April 2013


Wheek! So the other day, I was taken to see that funny man we visit sometimes. Hooman said it was just a 'follow-up' to see how her icky eye-poking*  has been going, so I wasn't worried. I was a bit hungry though, because Melon wouldn't feed me along the way. Something about 'pesto' and not being able to see my back teeth properly. Humph.

Here I am waiting for the funny man to look at my furs under a thing called a mi-cro-scope.

The man came back and he and Melon talked for a while. Blah blah blah, what do I care? Then it was over. Yay! Time to go home!

Little did I know.

… Melon has been giving me A BATH every three days since we got back! Can you believe it?! Uh-huh! With all the water, and the rubbing and everything! For some reason now she doesn't even wash off all the funny-smelling stuff straight away, she makes me sit for a while! She's taken this photo to make it look like I'm getting what she calls "the royal spa treatment" or something…

… but you know better, don't you?

Wheek! Wheeek!

*Melon has been poking at the skin under my eye every few days for a month now. I don't like it because that spot is really really itchy, but she says the stuff she's putting on it will make it less itchy. I dunno…


  1. Sounds like you must have some allergies, Cocoa. We hope the spa treatments will help.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Allergies? What are they? Can I eat them?

  2. It does look like a spa treatment! We all hope that the itchy spot gets better soon.

  3. The sniffy nose thing is the spray to prevent kennel cough. It is required if the dogs are boarded or left at the vet's for grooming. They can do it as an injection but the spray is just as effective.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

    1. Ahh okie, thanks OP Pack! Sorry for the late reply... Melon was down again. She's up again though at the moment - let's hope it lasts.


Thoughts? I'd love to hear them!