Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Plot Twist: In Which Gatsby Wants Us All To Take It Easy

Gatsby is fed up with our serious analysis and reflection.

Gatsby wants to share her holiday snaps!

You know how postcards always arrive really, really late, long after the traveler has returned home? Well, Gatsby wrote this postcard during her holiday, and I guess it has finally arrived.

Dear all,

This place is great! The sunpuddles are warm, treats in abundance and ohhh, did I mention the grass? It's fluffy and smelly with bugs and sticks! I've been digging as many holes as I can!
The locals are pretty friendly too.

Wish you were here.
xo Gatsby


Well, not really the end, of course. Even though she's back home now, I'm sure I'll be seeing more of Gatsby, and I'll be sure to share my adventures with you. But that's the end of her holiday, so new adventures await!


  1. It looks as if Gatsby had a fabulous time with you! I read your past recent posts, and I can see that "borrowing" a dog can be a solution for you. It seems as if you really enjoy Gatsby's visits. As someone with chronic illness, I appreciated your candor - I certainly know the motto of "just put one foot in front of the other". I had only one more thought to share - would you be eligible for a service dog? I have read that they can help with many kinds of illness. Of course, if your parents don't want a dog in the house, that idea won't work!

    Take care!

    1. Glad my post about life with illness rang true to you, too.

      Hmm, that's an interesting thought! I believe that a service animal can be of great assistance to people with mental illness or developmental disabilities, but I don't think it's the right fit for me. My problem is I can't reliably care for a dog, and service animals still need to eat, walk, toilet like the rest! I really appreciate the suggestion though!



Thoughts? I'd love to hear them!